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Battling Post-Partum Changes and IBS | Jo’s Story

One of the many challenging side-effects of being a new mum is battling low body confidence and self-esteem. While you’re pregnant, some women can find it easier to adapt to their growing bump and swollen feet as it’s just your body developing this wonderful being. However, as soon as little one is here, it can be very common to feel stuck and alongside the hormonal changes we can feel very far from our usual selves. Partnered with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, feelings of discomfort only intensify!

Jo recently came to us for guidance after she has been experiencing just that and decided she wanted to turn her life around and get back to feeling her confident self.  

Having been taking Simone Thomas Wellness Everyday Wellness supplements every day for 2 months, we checked in with Jo to see if she had noticed any positive changes. Keep reading to find out how Simone Thomas Wellness helped Jo, but first, let’s start at the beginning.


What made you come to Simone Thomas Wellness?

“I have struggled with IBS a large proportion of my life, and it can be extremely tough on not only my body but also my mind day in and day out. Of course, healthy eating is essential, but I find myself being obsessively cautious about what I’m putting into my body because of the pain and bloating that often follows. I love spending time with my friends, but IBS always finds its way to sneak into my plans and makes going out harder than it should be. I feel anxious to be away from the comforts of my own home, and the discomfort I regularly experience can leave me feeling very awkward in public scenarios.

I was fortunate enough to recently become a first time Mum, and whilst I’m loving each moment of this new chapter, I have noticed lots of post-partum changes and have been worried that I am going to have to settle for a ‘mummy tummy’.

Long story short, I wanted to feel like my old self again with no insecurities or anxiety when leaving the house. So, I came to Simone Thomas Wellness, after seeing and hearing about the amazing results people had gained.”

More about IBS 

Do you experience symptoms of IBS? It’s actually more common than you may think. A staggering 1 in 10 UK people suffer with this condition, meaning you’re not alone! However, there are ways to manage and control your symptoms so you can carry on with your life, stress-free! For more information find out how to manage your symptoms of IBS on a daily basis.

Keep reading to find out more about Jo’s results using Everyday Wellness.

Post-Partum Hormonal Changes

Pregnancy is a huge toll on the body. While it’s the most natural stages of life a woman can go through, it’s also one of the most challenging and this isn’t often spoken about! Not only does your body go through physical changes, but it also has to deal with the emotional minefield that comes from the influx of hormones in your body. It’s very common for many women to experience some signs of low self-esteem, body confidence and negative body image issues after having a baby, not to mention the post-partum hair loss or digestive issues that can occur from hormonal changes too. Therefore, it’s more important than ever to consider the vitamins and minerals that you can get, to ensure you’re getting all the right nutrients to fuel your body through this wonderful, yet challenging time.


Which supplements did you take?

“Due to currently breastfeeding, I needed to be extra careful when choosing supplements, so I got in touch with the team to see what they recommended.  After an extremely helpful consultation, I popped in my order for Everyday Wellness, and a day later they arrived at my door.”

So, What Is Everyday Wellness?

Simone Thomas Wellness Everyday Wellness Supplements is a super-strength probiotic, packed with 6 different types of probiotics with billions of live cultures to support friendly-bacteria and reduce discomfort from conditions such as IBS. With the finest ingredients, everyday wellness enables the body to function at its optimal level, fighting environmental damage such as pollution, reducing inflammation and enhancing nutrient absorption in the gut. Improved gut health contributes to the improvement of our hair, skin, scalp, energy levels and overall well-being. *Voted Best Supplement for Pregnancy by the Independent* 

Are supplements safe to take during pregnancy and whilst breastfeeding? 

While certain supplements are safe to take during pregnancy, like with most things, some may not be suitable depending on your circumstances. Before taking any supplements or vitamins, when pregnant, you should ALWAYS consult your doctor.

At Simone Thomas Wellness, our expertly formulated supplements are entirely natural and completely safe to take before, during and after pregnancy. Made with the finest, organic ingredients to care for your whole body, our supplements ensure that you’re giving your body the vitamins and minerals it needs to thrive throughout your pregnancy.

In fact, Simone used many of her own supplements throughout both of her pregnancies and while she was breastfeeding, to help nourish and support her body naturally.  

Find out more information about taking supplements during pregnancy.


How did you incorporate supplements into your everyday routine?

“Having a young child, I was on the hunt for a solution which required minimal effort. These capsules were perfect as they meant I could easily add them into my morning routine.  I appreciated how flexible I could be when taking them, but I found myself generally taking them in the morning with a cold drink. I know that taking capsules with hot drinks can impact their effectiveness, but thankfully, I began taking them in the warmer months, so I easily made the switch from a hot coffee to an iced latte!”


Have you noticed results?

“Definitely! I began to notice changes much earlier than I expected to, and within just two weeks I realised that my IBS symptoms had been virtually non-existent.

Firstly, I have got to mention bloating, or lack-of! These supplements have genuinely ridden me of bloating throughout the time I have been taking them, and it has made me feel so much more confident in myself. Having just had a baby, bloating was a particular concern for me as Summer was around the corner and I was already feeling out of sorts juggling the post-partum emotions. The idea of feeling confident on the beach wasn’t an option in my mind, so I’m so happy to have been able to enjoy a trip to the seaside and felt comfortable in a swimsuit!

Another notable thing to mention (although one that can often be a bit TMI!) is how regularly I have been going to the toilet. Prior to taking Everyday Wellness, toilet trips were often sporadic and something I had to be wary of, but since these supplements, it’s been like clockwork!” 


Will you be continuing to take supplements? 

“Without a doubt. These have been so transformative to my life, and I wouldn’t want to risk taking that away. I have been able to concentrate on the relationships I have with my family, friends and baby boy, without my mind or body being elsewhere. These supplements are no hassle to take, and it’s something that has added so much into my life, without me really having to think about it.”



Transform your gut health

Don’t think you’re stuck feeling like this forever! It’s time to feel confident again. Discover how our wide range of expertly formulated supplements can finally help you to tackle those frustrating symptoms of IBS, or get you back to feeling your best post-pregnancy. 



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